3 Problems Social Media Creates After a Car Accident

Social media has become one of the most popular outlets for countless people. In most cases, it’s completely harmless, and so many people use it as a time-waster. However, in car accident cases, social media can be more damaging than you realize.

Unfortunately, social media can turn into an issue after a crash. We’ll explain three of the more common issues that can arise when you use social media in the wrong way after a crash.

1. Posting Contradicting Photos

If you post a photo of yourself doing an activity after you have claimed an injury, insurance adjusters may claim that you are not really injured. While you may think it’s innocent enough, your photos can cause insurance adjusters to deny your claim.

2. Posting Statuses About Your Case

While it may seem safe to discuss your case on your social media accounts without harm, know that any demeaning comments about the other party or discussing private issues can lead to issues. You may be unable to recover compensation because of your actions.

3. Deleting Posts About Past Injuries or Statements About Your Accident

When you delete content, insurance adjusters may consider this as destroying evidence. You don’t want to experience a problem in which you not only forfeit your ability to obtain compensation but also have legal ramifications.

Never assume that your social media profiles are private. Insurance companies and adjusters have teams they use to access the information you may not think they can. It’s always best to assume that someone can see what you’re posting and avoid social media where you can.

At The Gatti Law Firm, our Oregon car accident attorneys work for you. We care about your needs and rights to obtain the most favorable outcome on your behalf. Let us be your trusted advocates and be the voice you need to hold negligence accountable.

Call us at 503-594-4944 today to discuss your options.

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