Workers' Compensation

Salem Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Going Up Against Insurance Companies for You

Workers’ compensation provides benefits for individuals who suffered a work-related injury. These injuries include those that occurred immediately, develop over time, happen on the worksite, or happen while carrying out company business.

Often, the injuries require treatment that results in unexpected medical bills or requires the individual to be out of work, resulting in lost wages. If you suffered a work-related injury, call a workers’ compensation lawyer in Salem, who can help you understand your rights and obligations.

Our skilled attorneys have decades of experience handling workers’ compensation cases throughout Oregon and are not afraid to take on insurance companies on your behalf. You deserve to be justly compensated for your medical expenses and lost wages.

For help with your workers’ compensation claim, call The Gatti Law Firm at 503-594-4944or send our team a message online.

When Can I File a Workers’ Compensation Claim in Oregon?

A workers’ compensation claim can be filed if you suffered an injury at work or while carrying out work business while off company property. For example, you could fall at work and sprain your ankle, or you could be injured while driving a company vehicle. In both cases, you need to report the incident to your employer immediately to begin the claims process.

You may also be able to file a workers’ compensation claim for injuries or illnesses that developed over time because of the nature of your job. For example, certain repetitive stress injuries could have developed while carrying out repetitive job duties.

These include: 

  • Carpal tunnel
  • Tendonitis
  • And lower back pain

Similarly, certain diseases such as cancer can develop as a result of continual exposure to toxins or contaminants on the job. Contact our Salem workers’ comp attorneys to find out if your injury qualifies for workers’ compensation.

What Is The Workers’ Compensation Process in Oregon?

If you are injured on the job, take the following steps to begin your claim:

  • Notify your employer as soon as possible
  • Fill out the employee portion of the 801 reporting form (your employer should have this form)
  • Have your injury treated by a health care provider (be sure to tell them it is a work-related injury)
  • Fill out the 827 reporting form with your health care provider (this form gets sent to the insurer, so it must be filled out correctly and completely)

After the insurer receives the 827 form, they investigate your claim and have 60 days to accept or deny it. If your claim is accepted, your employer’s insurance will pay for medical expenses related to your work injury.

What Happens if Your Claim is Denied

If the claim is denied, you will be responsible for paying for all your expenses. You have 60 days to appeal the decision. If the Hearings Division upholds the decision to deny your claim, you can request a hearing for your claim. A knowledgeable workers’ compensation attorney in Salem can help you through the hearing process so you can get compensation for your expenses.

How Much Does a Workers’ Comp Attorney Cost?

All workers’ compensation lawyers in Oregon are paid through a contingency fee, which means you will not be charged any up-front fees to hire legal representation. So how does your attorney get paid? in some cases, the cost of your legal fees may be paid by your employer’s workers’ comp insurance provider. In others, attorney costs may be taken out of your final recovery amount. Either way, you don’t have to worry about receiving a bill for legal fees at the end of your case.

Helping You Navigate the Complex Claims Process

Our skilled Salem workers’ compensation attorneys can help you navigate the complex process of filing a workers’ compensation claim.

We can help you with:

  • Completing forms
  • Meeting deadlines
  • And negotiating with insurance companies

Our firm works closely with you to help you get the compensation you deserve for your medical bills and lost wages.

Call The Gatti Law Firm at 503-594-4944 or contact us onlineto schedule a free consultation for your workers’ compensation claim.