Three Things to Do After a Hit-and-Run Accident

Experiencing a hit and run can be daunting. You may be unsure what to do immediately after it happens. We tell people all the time that after an accident, you need to collect as much information as possible to pursue compensation. However, when there’s nobody to get information from, what do you do?

To help you in the event you encounter this problem, we provide you with three helpful tips you can follow after a hit and run.

1. Report the Crash

You should report the crash to local law enforcement. Law enforcement officers can go to the accident scene and detail statements and other evidence in an accident report. Reporting your accident also helps because you did not leave the scene, positioning your case more favorably in insurance adjusters’ eyes.

2. Speak with a Lawyer

You may think that calling your insurance company first is the right move, but if your claim threatens profits, it could be more dangerous. Getting a lawyer on your side can help prevent you from saying anything that insurance adjusters may try to use against you and impact your compensation.

3. Review Your Insurance Policy

Make sure you know what’s included in your insurance policy. You should have uninsured motorist coverage. However, some insurance companies may try to claim that specific losses are not covered. Your lawyer can help safeguard your rights, keeping insurance companies honest as you go through the process following a hit-and-run accident.

At The Gatti Law Firm, we work to protect you no matter the situation. Our Oregon car accident attorneys aim to provide you with the representation you need to pursue compensation. If you suffer injuries in a hit and run, getting legal representation is crucial. Let us be there to help you every step of the way.

For a free consultation, we encourage you to call our firm today: 503-594-4944.

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