Brain Injury

Hillsboro Brain Injury Attorneys

Discuss Your Case With Us Today

Have you or someone you love suffered a brain injury in Hillsboro, Oregon? If so, you need The Gatti Law Firm on your side. Our brain injury lawyers fight for the rights of accident victims across the state. We know how to navigate the legal system and can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Call (503) 994-9295 or reach out to us online today to schedule a free consultation in Hillsboro and beyond.

What Are the Common Causes of Brain Injuries?

  • Falls
  • Explosions
  • Car accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Sports-related injuries
  • Violence, including assault and domestic violence

Symptoms of a Brain Injury

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • A headache
  • Convulsions
  • Memory loss
  • Dilated pupils
  • Unconsciousness
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Difficulty calculating
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Difficulty reading and writing
  • Difficulty understanding others
  • Difficulty remembering recent events
  • Difficulty remembering streets and locations
  • Difficulty remembering the location of objects
  • Difficulty remembering the day, date, month, or year
  • Difficulty remembering the names of family members and friends
  • Difficulty remembering how to do simple tasks, like bathing, dressing, using a phone, etc.
  • Difficulty remembering nouns, such as the names of objects, colors, shapes, animals, etc.

What Should I Do if I Suffer a Brain Injury Due to Another’s Negligence?

Brain injuries can severely impact a person’s life, and dealing with such an injury due to another person or entity’s negligence can be overwhelming. A brain injury caused by someone else’s negligence can be a result of several situations, such as a car accident, slip and fall, an assault, or medical malpractice. In these cases, the person who caused the injury should be held responsible for their actions, and the victim should receive compensation for their losses. If you or a loved one have suffered a brain injury due to someone else’s negligence, the following will guide you on what steps to take next:

  • Seek Medical Attention – The first step when dealing with a brain injury is to get medical help immediately. Traumatic brain injuries can lead to permanent damage and even death, so it is essential to get professional medical attention as soon as possible. Getting checked by a medical professional serves two purposes: 1) it provides the necessary treatment to minimize the damage caused by the injury; 2) it establishes a record of your injury, which is vital when pursuing a legal claim.
  • Contact a Lawyer – Once you receive the necessary medical attention, the next step is to contact a personal injury attorney who specializes in brain injury cases. An experienced attorney can evaluate your case and help you determine whether you have a valid claim against the negligent party. Moreover, they can help you investigate the circumstances that led to your brain injury and determine the party responsible. They will also evaluate the long-term effects of your injury to help determine the full value of your claim.
  • Gather and Document Evidence – In any personal injury case, evidence is crucial, and brain injury cases are no exception. A personal injury attorney can help you gather evidence that supports your claim. They can also document the events that led to your injury, including medical reports, eyewitness accounts, and other sources of evidence. Additionally, lifelong care is often needed for victims of brain injuries, and medical documentation can help establish the need for such care in the future.
  • Negotiate a Settlement – Once the evidence has been collected, your attorney will approach the other side to settle the claim. Typically, the other party’s insurance company or legal team will be involved in negotiating the settlement. The aim of the negotiation is to agree on a fair amount to compensate you for your losses, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. The negotiations can be protracted, but with a skilled attorney on your side, you can feel confident that you will receive a fair settlement.

Suffering a brain injury due to someone else’s negligence can have a profound impact on your life. Seeking the necessary medical attention, contacting a personal injury attorney, gathering and documenting evidence, and negotiating a settlement are crucial steps to take when dealing with such an injury to receive the compensation you deserve.

If you or a loved one has experienced a traumatic brain injury due to the careless actions of another person, it’s time to take action. Get in touch with our Hillsboro personal injury attorneys. We specialize in brain injury cases and can guide you through this process and help you get the compensation you deserve.

Hillsboro Personal Injury Cases and Brain Injuries

When someone else causes your injury, you can hold them accountable for their actions. They may have been negligent, meaning they failed to take proper action. In other cases, the liable party intentionally causes harm.

In a personal injury case, you can make a claim against this responsible party. Successful cases allow you to receive reimbursement for your expenses. You can receive money to pay you back for medical expenses. Often, you are also able to recover the money you lost from your recovery. In a brain injury case, the victim is often unable to work in the same career, or they may lose the ability to work altogether.

Brain injuries also come with huge expenses, as victims must often adjust their entire lifestyle. A personal injury case can compensate you for these costs, and it could give you even more money for your pain and suffering.

We are here to represent those who’ve suffered brain injuries in Hillsboro and the surrounding areas. To meet with our team, contact us online or call us at (503) 994-9295.


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