Sexual Abuse

Sexual Abuse Attorneys in Salem

Here to Protect Your Rights

Suffering sexual abuse is an excruciatingly traumatic experience for the victim. Immediately after the encounter, the victim will rightfully feel shocked, fear, anger, and disbelief. The effects of abuse can also be long-lasting. Victims of sexual abuse have reported depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and high blood pressure years after the incident occurred. If you or a loved one has been sexually abused, report the incident, and seek help immediately.

Don’t hesitate to call The Gatti Law Firm at (503) 543-1114 to discuss your case with our attorneys.

A person has to process many different emotions after suffering sexual abuse, often feeling helpless and unsure of where to go to bring the perpetrator to justice. At The Gatti Law Firm, our Salem sexual abuse lawyers can provide you with legal representation to hold the perpetrator financially accountable for their actions and help bring some closure during this difficult time. We work hard to protect your rights and obtain a favorable outcome for your personal injury case.

Types of Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse includes any type of unwanted sexual contact or activity, including:

  • Rape or attempted rape
  • Fondling or groping
  • Indecent exposure
  • Forcing others to touch genitals
  • Watching others perform sexual acts

Sexual abuse can occur in many places, including home, school, work, or a care facility. In most cases, the victim knows their abuser. Unfortunately, the victim does not report the abuse for reasons such as fear of retaliation, believing the incident was not important, and/or embarrassment or fear of negative social stigma.

Because individuals will react differently to sexual abuse, victims may exhibit various signs that indicate they have been or are being abused.

Contact The Gatti Law Firm for a Free Consultation

If you or someone you know has suffered sexual abuse, contact The Gatti Law Firm to start the legal process for your case. Our Salem sexual abuse attorneys will stand by your side to fight for fair compensation on your behalf for expenses incurred as a result of the sexual abuse. Monetary compensation can’t erase the abuse you suffered, but it can offer respite from financial burdens, allowing you to focus on processing your emotions and begin the path to recovery.

Our attorneys are ready to help you through your case. Call The Gatti Law Firm at (503) 543-1114 or contact us online for a free consultation.


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