When Is a Settlement the Right Choice?

Far too often, individuals fail to take legal action, and when they do, they don’t fully understand the matters that lie ahead. There are numerous situations in which individuals struggle with what decisions are the right ones when pursuing justice and compensation.

Part of the answer is fully understanding what to expect and what is right for you. This includes knowing whether or not to accept a settlement offer from the insurance company and when it may be the right choice for you to make.

What Is a Settlement Offer?

The insurance company of the defendant is often looking to do the following:

  • Payout as little as possible
  • Avoid long and arduous legal matters
  • Minimize their costs
  • Get out of a situation as quickly as possible

Oftentimes, this means offering a settlement to the injured party.

The settlement is in many situations a quick and easy way for the insurance company to avoid a large lawsuit. They’re offered in lieu of trial because the longer the process goes, the more it costs both the plaintiff and the defendant.

Why It Has Its Benefits to Accept a Settlement

A settlement isn’t for everyone and some people may be better off going to trial. However, on some occasions, it should at least be considered. For instance, if the insurance company is offering an adequate amount that helps you get past all of your financial hardships and the non-economic portion is justified.

You may also want to avoid the legal system, going to court, and dragging out the process. This may be another reason to forego any trial and accept an adequate settlement amount. However, it’s always important to speak with your legal counsel to receive advice regarding the best option for you.

Hiring an Oregon Car Accident Lawyer

It takes time to get through these matters, even when a settlement offer is made. In order to protect your rights, you should have a strong and tenacious Oregon car accident attorney on your side to help you make the right decisions for your case.

At The Gatti Law Firm, we have the necessary experience to guide you through the process and help you seek the outcome you deserve when you need it the most. Trust that we’re here for you every step of the way.

Call our firm today at 503-594-4944.

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